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During June-October, 2012, the arXiv Bylaws below were developed and reviewed with the guidance of the Interim Member Advisory Board (MAB). The guidelines specify MAB's MAB’s operations, including its composition, member appointment methods, and term of office. Within the confinement of arXiv principles, these Bylaws may be amended, or new articles adopted, by the consensual agreement of the Board members. As we form the first MAB during November-December, 2012, these guidelines will be further assessed and the necessary adjustments will be made after the MAB is formed in January, 2013. Please send your questions or comments about the Bylaws to


1.1 Cornell University Library (CUL) holds the overall responsibility for arXiv's arXiv’s operation and development, with strategic and operational guidance from its Member Advisory Board (MAB) and its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).


1.3 Representation on MAB is reserved for libraries, research institutions, laboratories, and foundations that are members of arXiv and contribute to the financial support of the service ("Contributing ­Organizations"“Contributing ­Organizations”).

1.4 MAB is elected from arXiv's arXiv’s membership and serves as a consultative body.


  • High-Contributing Organizations: Up to five voting members from Contributing Organizations that are preexisting consortia or national organizations and contribute 5% or more of arXiv's arXiv’s annual income generated by member fees (set at $15,000 per year for 2013).
  • Contributing Organizations: At least seven voting members from other Contributing Organizations. The exact number of members depends on how many members from High-Contributing Organizations are elected.
  • One voting member from the Simons Foundation.


  • The arXiv Program Director, who will serve as the Board's Board’s Chair. The Chair may vote to break a tie.
  • The CUL arXiv IT manager and the CUL arXiv User Support manager, or other CUL staff as appointed by Cornell's Cornell’s University Librarian. The role of these members is to provide information and participate in Board discussions.
  • Two SAB representatives. The SAB and MAB operate in parallel, complementing each other and providing essential input for CUL. To this end, the SAB appoints two members to serve as non-voting ex officio members of MAB; MAB appoints two members to serve as non-voting ex officio members of the SAB.


3.1 MAB represents participating institutions' institutions’ interests and advises CUL on issues related to repository management and development, standards implementation, interoperability, development priorities, business planning, and outreach and advocacy. MAB also reviews and comments on arXiv budgets proposed by CUL. For agenda items that require decisions, MAB will review and comment on proposals submitted by CUL and may request additional information in support of their deliberations. MAB members can propose agenda items for discussion on topics within the scope of the group's group’s role. Some topics will require open discussion, and some matters with action items will necessitate decision-making.


3.3 When the Board considers any matter that requires a decision, the opinion of any Board member who wishes to express an opinion will be considered by the Board. As deemed useful and needed, Roberts' Roberts’ Rules will be used in running meetings, moderating discussions, and approving decisions.

3.4 If the Board cannot agree on a decision, either the previous policy remains unchanged or no decision will be reached on the new business. Depending on the urgency of the matter, CUL reserves the right to make a decision or leave the issue unsolved to be reconsidered in a future Board meeting. If there is a deadlock, either within MAB or in deliberations between MAB and the SAB, Cornell's Cornell’s University Librarian bears responsibility for dispute resolution.


4.1.1 Meeting dates, times, and places will be designated by the Board's Board’s Chair. The frequency and duration of meetings will be based on agenda items and their urgency.


4.2.2 Depending on the nature of agenda items, deliberations — including reaching a consensus — can be carried out on the Board's Board’s mailing list.

4.2.3  A Board member who fails to attend or fails to have a designated alternate attend three consecutive regularly scheduled Board meetings may be deemed by the consensual agreement of the Board to have resigned. The resulting vacancy may be filled in accordance with the provisions of 4.3.


4.2.5 The Chair will preside at all meetings of the Board and will exercise general charge and supervision of MAB's MAB’s affairs. The Chair will facilitate open and inclusive discussion and decision making. 


5.1.2 Every two years after the initial election, the MAB Chair or the Chair's Chair’s designee will submit for the Board's Board’s approval a list of members to serve on the Election Committee. This list will contain no less than three and no more than five individuals and representatives from Contributing Organizations that do not currently have a representative serving on the Board. The Board Chair will be a voting ex officio member of the Election Committee.


7.2 In the event of a deemed resignation, the Contributing or High-Contributing Organization that was represented by the resigning Board member will have the right to designate a successor to serve the remainder of the resigning Board member's member’s term. The Contributing or High-Contributing Organization may decline to name a successor, in which case the vacancy will be filled in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7.3.


To be considered a Contributing or High-Contributing Organization, organizations must pay annual membership fees by July 1 of each calendar year. Budgetary inability to meet a single year's year’s membership fees will not terminate membership, provided that the member commits to making up the deficit within an agreed upon period not to exceed two years. 


Within the confinement of arXiv principles, these Bylaws may be amended and new articles may be adopted by the consensual agreement of all Board members then in office. Depending on the assessment of the Board Chair, the changes may need to be reviewed by the SAB, Cornell's Cornell’s University Librarian, or the Cornell Counsel.   
