Versions Compared


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  • $26,143 year one license fees, $7,651 implementation fees, $7,300500 implementation staff time (125 hours)
  • $26,143 year two+ license fees


  • $4,000 year one license fees, $7$6,300000 implementation staff time (125 hours)
  • $10,000 year two+ license fees


  • $10,000 annually for Innovative contract and server maintenance fees (beginning immediately)
  • $19$37,800600 opportunity cost savings by freeing staff time with RM efficiencies (beginning soon after implementation)$4, 800 usage stats and management efficiencies (beginning soon after implementation)$13,000 opportunity cost savings by freeing staff time with 2CUL collaborative efforts (125 hours per year, beginning year 2)management efficiency,and 2CUL collaborative efforts

Savings to Columbia:

  • $13$12,000 opportunity cost savings by freeing staff time with 2CUL collaborative efforts (125 hours per year, beginning year 2)

Timeline: Timeline: Ideally, we require a decision to move forward with this by mid-March in order to be able to migrate to the new systems by the summer 2014. 


Costs and benefits (Cornell costs itemized in draft Cornell order form): 


  • Cornell - $33,749 year one, $26,143 year two+ less ~$10,000 annually for Innovative contract
  • Columbia - $4,000 year one, $10,000 year two+


  • Cornell -
    • Annual: $11,693 (RM) + $10,450 (360 COUNTER)  - ~$10,000 (Innovative ERM cost recovery) = ~$12,000
    • One-time: $1969 + $3,990 (RM set-up) + $688 (360 COUNTER set-up) = $6,647
  • Columbia - No change beyond 2CUL costs summarized below.
  • 2CUL - Our team assumes these fees would be split evenly, but felt it was useful to single them out.
    • Annual:  $8,000 first year pilot, $20,000 future years (RM-CE)
    • One-time: $2,000 + $3,995 (RM-CE Implementation) = $5,995

RM for Cornell (Columbia already subscribes to RM)



RM for Cornell (Columbia already subscribes to RM)


License fees: $11,693/year plus one time set up $1969 (includes data population services) and a onetime consultation fee of $3990


  • Record loads to update the Innovative ERM require considerable attention for one week every month.  During this time there is impact on patrons (non-updated holdings, public display inaccurate, and slower response times) and staff time of 10-20 hours per month.  Some of the time saved could be spent handling more frequent Serials Solutions MARC updates loads, keeping Voyager and Blacklight more in sync with our electronic holdings managed in RM.  This will reduce delays between purchasing content and having that content appear in discovery various discovery tools. (est. $9,200 annual opportunity savings, effective as soon as implemented)
  • The RM knowledge base comes populated with some license, resource, and provider information.  This must all be manually entered into the Innovative ERM system.  The E-Resources and Cataloging units should save a few hours per week in data entry. (est. $10,600 annually effective as soon as implemented)
  • Selectors will be able to access the system with relatively little training to view title lists, license terms, contact information.  As a web based tool, this will be possible remotely (such as during a conference).  Innovative ERM system has limited simultaneous connections and requires considerable training to get new users up to speed.
  • Cornell staff are already using the Serials Solutions system for maintaining MARC record updates, Summon, and the OpenURL resolver.  This has significant impact on training time, procedure retention, and ease of use by reducing the number of systems involved in e-resource management without loss of functionality or access to information.
  • Cleaner matching of resources between management and discovery systems.  This has significant impact on our ability to effectively troubleshoot resource access issues.
  • Knowledge base Notifications alert us to changes in platforms, database titles, and other important maintenance issues.  This will allow for more pro-active work to reduce access problems.


  • Annual harvesting of usage statistics - This will be mostly automated - SUSHI compliant resources each month, Non-SUSHI resources 2x yearly. System alerts us when changes are coming, usage harvesting data is out of date, - Sally Lockwood currently spends 12 weeks at about 75% of her time to harvest.  If we can recover 50-70% of this time to handle only the non-COUNTER resources, more complicated issues and updating the system, considerable effort is recovered.  This amounts to approximately $4,800 in annual opportunity savings.
  • Selectors will be able to access the system and make customized consolidated reports.  This is possible, but complicated and labor intensive in our current wiki-based environment.
  • There is potential for 2CUL collaboration regarding how to handle non-COUNTER compliant resources, uploading cost data, and troubleshooting SUSHI problems.


Benefits and potential savings:  We estimate that starting with year 2, 2CUL will begin to see opportunity savings in the form of staff time freed to perform other activities.  There are many opportunities to put this time to better use on other e-resource activities that have been unachievable previously.  The initial areas listed below will be the first priorities to tackle as 2CUL work, and we estimate approximately 250+ hours per year (5 hours per week) of savings from these efforts for each CULpartner totalling approximately $26,000.

  • Platform changes and other resource maintenance can often be time intensive projects. We can handle these tasks collaboratively and can make the changes for both institutions when both CULs have content in the same collections. 
  • Collaborative monitoring of Knowledge base Notifications will be possible, thereby reducing duplicate effort.
  • Comparison of e-collections will be considerably easier.  This will set us up to engage in cooperative collection development decisions and shared workflow.
