Versions Compared


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Timeline: Ideally, we require a decision to move forward with this by mid-March in order to be able to migrate to the new systems by the summer 2014. 


Our team has identified that having different systems in place for managing our electronic resource collections is a significantly greater barrier to successful collaboration than simply having different workflows. E-resources Resources work relies heavily on Electronic Resource Management systems and currently, Cornell and Columbia have different systems.  The official delay of Alma implementation has highlighted the need to find an interim solution that will allow us to develop more common workflows, identify and perform shared work, and be better able to troubleshoot and solve e-resource problems across 2CUL. 


360 COUNTER - Implementing 360 COUNTER at Cornell will maximize the common systems used in e-resource management across 2CUL.  Cornell currently harvests COUNTER usage data manually from over 100 providers annually, posting the individual reports on a wiki space for selectors and assessment staff to use.  Gathering this data is currently a time-consuming process (~.15 FTE/year to gather and maintain the reports and administrative information) and the current system provides no added functionality to merge or analyze reports (Cornell should expect to be able to save significant time in this area).  Among the features of 360 COUNTER are usage report harvesting, and consolidated reporting.  Finally, having data from both Cornell and Columbia gathered and stored in a common system will allow for more joint data analysis, potential shared maintenance, and to take advantage of future enhancements in the Serials Solutions assessment systems.

RM-CE -  Adding the consortial level service to RM will set a foundation for much greater collaboration in the areas of E-resource troubleshooting, accounts management, and common workflows.  As we integrate RM-CE features into our workflow, we will identify areas to reduce duplication of effort, reconcile holdings between partners, and gain valuable experience working together. 


  • E-Resources Unit (Liisa Mobley, Rebecca Utz, Sally Lockwood, Heather Shipman, Jesse Koennecke) - Tested the general functionality, workflow features, and data management aspects of the RM system from a Cornell specific perspective.  The e-resources staff are already familiar with the Serials Solutions staff interface while working with the currently subscribed Serials Solutions services (MARC Updates, 360 Link, and Summon).  Adding ERM features to this existing workflow, rather than in a completely different system will likely show some increased efficiency in some areas of e-resources work.   Members of the unit have reported overall satisfaction with the system and they have unanimously expressed a desire to make the change.  The response from this team suggests that Cornell would consider migrating the the Resource Manager system even if 2CUL were not a factor.
  • Discovery & Access Team - Two public interfaces at Cornell rely on the Innovative ERM system currently.  D&A has been considering updating these services to utilize the Integration Layer data or other systems, rather than Innovative.  They are examining this in depth during their February sprint.  It is likely that they will be able to replicate these services using a combination of Voyager data incorporated into the integration layer, the License Term API provided by RM, and the RM journal A-Z list interface.  More detail about this can be found in Appendix 2: Implementation Details.
  • Technical and Data loading group (Gary Branch, Heather Shipman, Peter Martinez, Pete Hoyt, Chris Manly) -
    • Record loads - The group discussed how the current processes for updating Voyager, Innovative, and Serials Solutions will be affected by the transition.  They raised no concerns about making the change to RM and feel that any changes that are required in scripts or processes will be minimal.  Heather feels that the record loads into the Innovative ERM currently account for up to 24 hours every month.  This time can potentially be recouped, or used to manage more frequent updates from RM to Voyager.  Either way, we save some time or keep systems in better sync.
    • System hosting (Chris Manly) - The Innovative ERM system is locally hosted on a Cornell IT server.  This requires regular maintenance and updates in addition to a $2000/year fee.  RM and 360 COUNTER are cloud-hosted systems, managed by Serials Solutions.  The cost for this service is included in the annual fee structure for the services.
  • Usage Statistics group (Rich Entlich, Sally Lockwood) - Looked at the 360 COUNTER product.  Cornell Trial began 1/22.  Detailed feedback may not come until Feb 7 or later.  The initial assumption is that it will benefit 2CUL to have the COUNTER data from both partners in the same system.  The testing team is determining if there are any show-stopper issues that would impact operations.
  • 2CUL TSI E-Resources Team - Our team concentrated on the overall picture and have has been impressed with the potential we see for our TSI work.  We particularly focused on articulating how the RM-CE layer will be initially populated and workflow issues that arise from working in a consortial system. 2CUL has not had an opportunity to trial the consortial aspects of RM-CE, the pricing offer provided by Serials Solutions (see pricing below) assumes that the first year of work in the consortial environment will be a pilot.  We have worked out an implementation model with Serials Solutions and will test various use cases in a sandbox version before going live.


Consortial -~$14,000 total, split between CULs for first year.  $20,000 total years 2 and on+. 

  • Standard pricing is about 20k for you all but since this is a pilot (and you all are good PQ customers), we can cut that to 8K for the year of the pilot and see how it goes.  There is also an implementation fee of $2,000 and a consulting fee of $3995.  We can create a statement of work to be sure we are aware of what the implementation looks like.  This will allow you to take time to work on the project without limitations and see how it works for you.


Cornell Database Names - Responsible parties - Discovery & Access Team (interface design and implementation), E-Resource Staff (Record management and license entry)

  • 948 field: webfeatdb indicates that it is part of the list curated by the Database Review Committee
  • 653 subject fields used to facilitate browsability by curated subjects.
  • Various other subject, alternate titles, and description fields used for broader searching capabilities
  • License terms to be held in RM, linked to from appropriate records.using License Data API
