Although we see this arrangement as a a source of free, experienced input, we are concerned that our collective time investment may not be worth the potential gain. We also feel that her investigation might be "destabilizing" and send an unwelcome message to the working groups (i.e. that we've enlisted an outside consultant to advise them). For this reason, we will not give her access to TSI working group participants. We agreed, though, the members of the SC would make themselves available (within reason) to answer questions. Kate will ask Bob and Xin if they'd be willing to provide input.
2. Xin Li has arranged with a colleague at MIT, Tracy Gabridge, to talk to us about a major reorganization they undertook at that institution. Jim will contact the folks at MIT about the video presentation they shared with Xin and the additional org chart she requested. He will also ask if they've published anything about the reorg, either internally or externally. After we review this material we will prepare some TSI-related questions and propose a WebEx or conference call with MIT reps for sometime later in the summer. We are also curious about what Robert knows about this reorg from his contact(s) there.