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  • Internet radio
    (This is our biggest offender for causing our association's network speeds to slow to a pitiful crawl.)
    I recommend that if you want to listen to the radio in the office, you should go "old school" on this one.... Dust off the radio player in the back of your closet and tune it to your favorite local station.
  • Keep non-work related Internet usage to a minimum
    We are an organization that embraces social media.  It is a great way to reach our audiences, so we do use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites for work-related purposes.  I don't want to discourage their usage ever, but please keep your personal use of these sites and other sites to a minimum.    
    This means no watching the latest soap opera on your favorite network during lunch break... :)
  • Know the symptoms of viruses and malware
    When a computer is infected with a virus or malware, it can slow down your association network.  Please read the previous blog posts about preventing and knowing the symptoms of viruses: 
    So You Think You Have A Virus?
    SPAM - Phishing E-mails
    If you suspect you have a virus, please let your local IT contact or me know ASAP. 
  • Steer clear of Google Drive's desktop application
    Google Docs is great for sharing documents and collaborating with a team.  But if you use Google Drive, please access it via the web browser ( and not the desktop program.  Unfortunately, the desktop program will slow down your network, even when it's idle and not syncing your documents.  
