- What to do with Bob's outline document?-- Moved to Steering Committee area, under "Procedures Procedures & Planning Documents" (JL 4/1)
- look at search box -- Can't recall what was supposed to be done here the task exactly the task was? (JL 4/1)
- add author(s) to 2CUL E-Resources Working Group -- DONE (JL 4/1)
- add E-Book report to the E-Resources page -- Boaz? (JL 4/1)
- change "articles, webinars, etc." to environmental scan (or literature); change presentations to 2CUL articles, presentations, etc. -- DONE (JL 4/1)
- How best to link to "Background (2010-2012)"? Maybe we can un-restrict it? 79 users have access to this space apready.already -- DONE (JL 4/1)
- Org charts links need to be updated -- Cornell's DONE (JL 4/1)
- Change "Policies and Procedures" to Institutional Documentation -- This latter name didn't really work either; change to "General Documentation" (JL 4/1)
- Change our "Restricted" page to "Restricted to TSI Steering Committee -- DONE (JL 4/1)
- Move Operating Principles for the 2CUL Environment with a Shared LMS list somewhere else, perhaps move it to 2CUL LMS wii spacewiki space -- DONE (JL 4/1)
- Add provenance to the the main list of 2CUL Phase 2 Overview list -- DONE (JL 4/1)
- Change page name to 2CUL Phase 2 - Technical Services Integration? -- DONE (JL 4/1)
- Adam: Add search widget to our wiki homepage - DONE
- Adam: How do we turn off the Recently Updated list at the bottom of the main page? - DONE
- Adam: How do we switch the screensharing so Columbia can share their desktop? Did I link to the right webex help page?