Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The biggest change is that we'll decrease the number of fields people fill in by dropping all location information. 
  • Fields to keep at the sample level:
    •  project name, but it would be nice if they had to pick from a list
    • Plate name (allows multiple plates to be entered at the same time)
    • Well
    • Sample Name
    • Pedigree
    • Population
    • DNA Stock No
    • DNA Concentration
    • DNA volume
    • DNA mass
    • Taxonomy- Is there anyway to clean this up so that there isn't typos, people putting genus and species in species field or subspecies in the species field?
      • Kindgom
      • Phylum
      • Class
      • Order
      • Family
      • Genus
      • Species
      • Subspecies
      • Variety
  • Things we need to collect, but not in the upload form:
    • Source lab
    • Enzyme to use
    • Multiplex level
    • Deliverables: Raw Data, HapMap, both
    • Billing info
  • Lots of people don't get the emails.  I assume it is going to spam.  I don't know what we can do about that.
  • You can upload and the page just refreshes, but doesn't upload.  I know this happens when you push the back button and it seems like the fields are already filled in.  It also happens at other times.  Very confusing to users!  They don't know if their samples went through or not.
  • Submitters need to know if their plates were uploaded.
    • 1st line- Submission accepted or failed- big, different color
    • Something on upload page saying that you will get an email if they successfully upload
    • Send email to submitter saying something like "sample information successfully uploaded.  You will hear back from the GBS team shortly as to whether or not they are accepted.  You can review your submission at


    • In the text of the instructions it lists "sample ID".  This is "Sample Name" everywhere else, please change.
    • Can the blank not have a kingdom requirement?  Or less ideally, allow NA.  It is the only field that has to be filled the same as the samples to upload.- may be fixed.
    • Please change order in instructions to match the order encountered on the template.
    • Wiki Markup
      Bad characters.&nbsp; Ed advised only - A-Z;a-z; 0-9; \[\]{}&*()_-<>, but I could see the advantage of having more in the pedigree field, notably \(/).&nbsp; My biggest problem is that people include commas and it's a comma delimited file.&nbsp; They get an error now, but sometimes they still get confused.&nbsp; Can we just have it automatically put in an _ for any illegal characters?
    • The table that is returned after the submissions are accepted does not have a useful column order.  Plate and sample names need to be shown without scrolling.  I would put the columns in the same order as the template (I know there are some extra initial columns, those are ok)
    • We need to have the submission table that is returned after the submissions downloadable and possibly emailed to user.  For some users like the Buckler lab, it would be great if it integrated into their database.
    • Review submissions webpage
      • I would like more search functions
      • The sort functions do not work past page 1- haven't tested lately
      • I would like it if we stored the reason why things were rejected (we'd have to add a database field in the submission table)
      • I would like a filter on manage accounts.  The list is getting long.
      • No email should be allowed to have more than 1 account.
      • Should change wording in Quantity and mention that the DNA must be quantified with a dye based method, otherwise send us 5 or 10 ug??
      • You have to add all your image boxes first or else your selections go away.  If we can't change it maybe we can mention it?
      • Pictures need to be downloadable or open in another window so we don't have to wait for the query again every time we want to see the next picture- fixed
      • Ability to approve or reject multiple plates
      • I would like to receive the warnings a user sees, like there is a plate with less than 95 samples, maybe list number of non-blank entries submitted per plate.
      • I would like to add a warning that concentrations are less than 10 ng/ul and if total amount is less than 1000 ng.
      • I would like the table I download to have the submission number, plate grouping_id and dna_sample_id listed.