Versions Compared


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Note: I'm having difficulty with the formatting, and the sizing of the font here is all out of whack. It's all supposed to appear in normal font. There is no meaning or significance to the different sizing - just technical difficulties!

Contemporary Street Art and the Art Market

Guiding principles of street art

How do these principles compare to those of other kinds of artists?

The impact of street art

On communities

On politics

On the level and nature of public interaction with art and how the public views art

Notable street artists



Keith Haring

Street art and the art market

Street artists and symbolic capital

Where market interests collide with artistic principles

Street art and dealers, galleries, and museums

            How do museum exhibitions affect the value for works included?

Art and accessibility: Does street art uniquely broaden access to the arts, doing more than other forms of art do to render art a public asset and remove it from the sole propriety of the wealthy/elite? How might this process affect its value in the art market?

Working List of References:

This is definitely still very "rough." But here's my start:

National Public Radio in the Contemporary American Art Market

As both a forum for the arts and as an art form unto itself

1. NPR: history and founding principles

2. NPR and the development of cultural and intellectual authority

A. Branding

B. Cultivating a reputation as "non-commercial"

C. NPR and Bourdieu's theory of market disavowal

3. NPR's audience

4. "Highbow" and "lowbrow" cultural dialog and parallels to the art world at large

5. Elements of NPR's art programming

5. NPR's role as a cultural artifact and a cultural liaison in the United States

6. Controversies about NPR

A. Is NPR elitist?

B. Is NPR liberal? Is NPR conservative?

C. Public funding

Sources (Developing List)

Mitchell, Jack W. (2005.) Listener Supported: The culture and history of public radio. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

McCauley, Michael P. (2005.) NPR: The trials and triumphs of National Public Radio. New York: Columbia University Press.

Book Review: "Listener Supported: The culture and history of Public Radio"; "NPR: The trials and triumphs of National Public Radio." Spaulding, Stacy. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 51, no. 3 (2007): 547-548.

Nunberg, Geoffrey. (2001.) The way we talk now: Commentaries on language and culture from NPR's "Fresh Air." Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Henderson, Lisa. "Storyline and the multicultural highbrow: Reading women's culture on National Public Radio." Critical Studies in Media Communication, 16, no. 3 (1999): 329-349.

Velthius, Olav. (2007.) Talking Prices: Symbolic meanings of prices on the market for contemporary art. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Thompson, Don. (2007.) The $12M Stuffed Shark. Palgrave/MacMillan.