Technical details of possible Ares enhancements
NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP) functionality
- Currently Voyager speaks ESIP and the first iteration of Borrow-Direct/Relais will write to that. Ideally though, BD/Relais wants to use NCIP, so plans are that it will in a subsequent iteration. To allow Voyager to speak NCIP Ex Libris is deploying a for-fee InterCirc module, which should be compatible with the Voyager version we are running (7.1.1). We haven't deployed InterCirc yet, but we will so we can be ready for BD/Relais 2. No firm plans to deploy yet, but we'll most likely do it over the summer. Saying "speak NCIP" in and of itself doesn't really say a whole lot because NCIP is a humongous standard and vendor systems typically only speak a subset of it. Nevertheless Atlas presumably deploys its stuff in a lot of Voyager sites, so their choices are basically to write to ESIP, which BD/Relais has done in the near term, or to the flavor of NCIP that Voyager
Wiki Markup InterCirc will be using. \[paraphrased from an email from Marty Kurth\]