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Wiki Markup
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# From the Main window select *Search Z39.50* to open the Z39.50 search window. Do a search of the CUL catalog to find the item being requested in our system. Clicking on an item will automatically import that item's call number, location and availability to the *Item Call #* field and *Self Location* field. Using the macro copy over needed information to the *Item Edit* window.


# As you can see in figure 8.2 on page 47 the call number, location and availability has been copied over from the Z39.50 search. It is now time to place the request into its proper queue to continue processing


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Note: When checking items that are to be scanned ensure the Document Type, Format and Loan Period fields are set correctly.

Continue to one of the following:



| !Idea.jpg! | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; *Note*:_The macro will ask for different pieces of information that can be copied over to_ _the Item Window. If you wish not all of the information has to be changed. please see Ap{_}{_}pendix_ _[_D.1 Copy Fields from Z39.50 search_|CULRes:D.1 Copy Fields from Z39.50 search]_ _for more information on this macro._\\
\\ |
| !Idea.jpg! | *Note*: _When checking items that are to be scanned ensure the_ *{_}Document Type{_}{*}_,_ *{_}Format{_}* _and_ *{_}Loan Period{_}* _fields are set correctly._ |

h2. Continue to one of the following:
