SRMers: I'd like to spend a bit of time in SRM (on xxxx) discussing the continued evolution of product management within the organization. The punch line is that we're looking to form a small advisory committee to work with Bob Bourdeau as he plans and develops the resources we need to enable our product manager/owners to do their jobs more effectively. The attached materials represent: a. the integration of a number of efforts which had been going on previously within CSM (e.g. the "funnel", product ownership, product/services list, levels of support, etc) b. a recasting of these efforts so that they appear to fit more naturally into the framework of the larger effort we (CIT) have been engaging in over the last few years - creating a more disciplined practice around the management of our products and services. The attachments are: 1. A Q&A piece - stitched together by Bob from various sources - which sets out a vision of sorts for where the concept of product management could take us further down the road. 2. A combo Product Manager Primer/Guide to product management support services, which also essentially describes the approach to replacing the old "funnel" mechanism. This can serve as an overview/reference guide for folks in the organization currently filling some product management roles. 3. A very brief Next Steps Document, which describes the way we might start building on the above. One issue which begins to emerge - we may want to begin thinking about a modified organizational structure for the management of at least our key products and services - one that separates the product management role from the delivery of the technology itself where it might make sense to do so. For example, we are moving in the direction of managing BlackBoard the product from ATMS, while moving support of the application itself and infrastructure to IS. Thanks Jim