% Program to solve toy beam % bending problem % Author: Anonymous % Date: circa 2010 %Clear everything clear all; %Clear all variables from the workspace clc; %Clear command window %Calculate reactions A = [1 1; 0 12]; B = [400; 2400]; R = A\B; %Reaction vector %Calculate sigma_x M = -600; ro = 2e-2; ri = 1e-2*(0.5:0.1:1.5); I = pi*(ro^4 - ri.^4)/4; sigma_x = 1e-6*M*ro./I %Plot sigma_x vs. ri figure(1); %Create figure #1 clf; %Clear current figure h=plot(1e2*ri,sigma_x,'-r'); set(gca,'Box','on','LineWidth',2,... 'FontName','Helvetica',... 'FontSize',14); %Set axis properties set(h,'LineWidth',2); %Set linewidth for curve xlabel('r_i (cm)'); ylabel('\sigma_x at O (MPa)'); title('Bending stress'); axis square; %Make axis box square