21:20:44 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Hi, everybody! 21:21:44 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Here's a link to the Qualtrics form Bethany just mentioned: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aXVsEo1Yu19ypbo 21:22:50 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Here's a link to our list of contacts for unit-specific training: https://cornell.app.box.com/file/801331531845 21:25:33 From Troy Shaver : I don't remember the clipboard. 21:26:14 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Hi Troy! What Bethany meant there is that if you click on the clipboard icon, it will copy the barcode. 21:26:36 From Troy Shaver : Oh, okay. 21:27:10 From Kelly Johnson : Are those things with a subject designation of cats, or is cats in the title? 21:27:36 From Joy Thomas : The clipboard icon also appears to other numbers like the HRID, it's just a quick way to copy the number without having to highlight. 21:28:10 From Kelly Johnson : Okay thanks! 21:48:06 From Troy Shaver : What if someone has a Hold vs a recall? Right now I believe the recalls take precedence. 21:48:44 From Troy Shaver : THanks. 21:48:50 From Joy Thomas : I can test it out now behind the scenes to be sure. 21:56:12 From Joy Thomas : So...a recall currently does not take precedence over a hold. I placed two holds then a recall on something and the recall is still in position # 3. 21:56:52 From Joy Thomas : Andy, this seems to me to be something we would want to ask about? 21:57:18 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Hi Joy! We can definitely look into that. It may be a setting that we can adjust. 21:57:27 From Troy Shaver : Okay thanks. Not sure what I was thinking. 22:00:04 From Joy Thomas : Troy, you're right that it does in Voyager, I meant that it doesn't in FOLIO. It's a good question because I think we want them to take precedence as the recall could be waiting a long time if there are a few holds in front of them. 22:06:12 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Joy and Troy: I *think* that FOLIO is supposed to work the same way. I will research this ASAP and, if it is the expected behavior, try to figure out why it isn't working that way right now. 22:06:51 From Troy Shaver : Sounds good. Thanks. 22:08:20 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Here's the link to the Qualtrics survey you can use to ask questions again: 22:08:20 From lsw83 : Thanks Bethany! 22:08:21 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aXVsEo1Yu19ypbo 22:08:34 From Kelly Johnson : Thanks Bethany! 22:08:45 From yb83 : Thank you Bethany.