21:21:10 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Here is the Qualtrics form for questions: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aXVsEo1Yu19ypbo 21:22:07 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Here's the link to the Training instance again for anyone who wasn't here yet when I posted it the first time: https://cornell-training.folio.ebsco.com/ 21:27:45 From Troy Shaver : What was the equivalent of Courses App? 21:37:18 From Melissa Littlejohn : What would it look like if internet servers are down? Is there a backup/offline option? 21:38:31 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Hi Melissa! CUL-IT has built an offline circ app for us. Three's a recording of a demo on the Access Services Training & Documentation Confluence page: https://confluence.cornell.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=399550571 21:38:41 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : *There's* a recording. 21:41:56 From Melissa Littlejohn : If we are checking in a tub of incoming books from another library-to be put on a hold shelf for example-does it automatically print a slip as you are checking in books or do you have to manually print a slip for each book? It's a little hard for me to picture. Checking in/Checking out makes sense for a patron at the circulation desk-I got that. :) 21:45:15 From Troy Shaver : So not the last name first? 21:45:45 From Troy Shaver : Cool. 21:47:01 From Troy Shaver : Can you enter articles "the" "an" etc.? 21:47:32 From Joy Thomas : 81 right now. 21:47:48 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : Here's that link again: https://confluence.cornell.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=399550571 21:48:08 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : And here's the Qualtrics form again: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aXVsEo1Yu19ypbo 21:49:15 From Troy Shaver : cat in the hat 21:54:53 From Andy Horbal (He, Him, His) : . If in the course of using FOLIO you have any questions or run into any problems, please join the new #CUL-FOLIO Slack channel. If you are new to Slack, you can email Desktop Services at cul-dshelp-l@cornell.edu to request an account. You can also email Desktop Services to request FOLIO permissions for yourself and/or staff if don’t already have them or aren’t sure as well. 21:56:18 From Cynthia Lange : Thank you, Bethany & Andy! 21:56:36 From Marc Reed (he/him/his) : Thanks!