Volume I, Issue I December, 2008 Improving drinking water quality through innovative research, knowledge transfer, open source engineering, and design of sustainable, replicable water treatment systems In this issue: 1 Introducing the AguaClara Newsletter! 1 An Update from Cuatro Comunidades 2 AguaClara Treatment Plants in Honduras 2 HavenŐt Heard? An Overview of the Project Read the latest update from the AguaClara Engineers! Introducing the AguaClara Newsletter! We are proud to introduce the AguaClara newsletter for the ever-growing base of supporters and team alumni! In this first issue we provide a focus on the implementation of our latest project in Cuatro Communiades. An Update from Cuatro Comunidades Excavation of the construction site at Cuatro Comunidades (Four Communities) has been completed and the foundation of another AguaClara plant has been set. In fact the flocculation tanks have already been cemented and most of the walls are up. Our Regional Partner, Agua Para el Pueblo (APP), a non-profit Honduran NGO who manages the project, knows the importance of community support of our plants and has worked to involve the community from the start. APP works directly with the Junta de Agua, or Water Board, which acts as a liaison between APP and the community. It is important to note that one of the most important social components of the project was already in place before construction began. Before the first stone was placed, the community and the Junta had agreed to contribute to the construction of the plant with labor and materials and to raise the monthly water tariff to a sustainable level once the plant is built. Annexed to the construction agreement was a budget the Junta made planning how they will use the tariff to maintain and operate the treatment plant and water system. On October 30th, APP and the two AguaClara Engineers who are alumni from the project team, John Erickson and Tamar Sharabi, organized a fair called FODA (which stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Threats in Spanish). In a comfortable environment, members of the Junta and other community leaders were able to evaluate Treatment Plants In Honduras Currently Operating: Tamara, since 2008 Marcala, since 2008 Ojojona, since 2007 Under Construction: Cuatro Comunidades Special Thanks To Our Partners: Volume I, Issue I December, 2008 Page 2 the current situation of the Junta and think about how to improve it. Later in November, APP contracted a bus to bring 60 residents from the Cuatro Comunidades to Ojojona to see the first AguaClara plant constructed by APP. Pictured above, Antonio, the AguaClara technician employed be APP, explains the layout of the plant. The participants enjoyed the excursion to Ojojona and returned ready to build consciousness and enthusiasm in the Cuatro Comunidades for their future plant. Also in November, several members of the Cuatro Comunidades Junta travelled to Marcala for an exchange event between four different Honduran communities involved with AguaClara. Operators and water board members from Tamara, Ojojona, Cuatro Comunidades and Marcala convened in Marcala to discuss the operation of their plants and to tour the Marcala plant. Community ownership and support of AguaClara plants will continue to be a key factor in the success of the AguaClara project. HavenŐt Heard? An Overview of the Project Over thirty students from undergraduates to Ph.D. candidates are working hard at Cornell University and on internships in Honduras to research, design, and implement AguaClara water treatment plants, all under the direction of Dr. Monroe Weber-Shirk. Research conducted at bench scale, pilot scale, full-scale, and through computational fluid dynamics increases our understanding of flocculation processes. The Design of AguaClara plants including the AutoCAD drawing is automatically generated by a design tool created by a team of students. Ultimately, the designs for our plants will be made available online as part of our commitment to open-source engineering. AguaClara.cee.cornell.edu CUAguaClara@gmail.com Hollister Hall, Cornell University