The Chart of Accounts Test Plan describes the detailed information for functional testing as input to the implementation project plan.

Chart of Accounts

Author: Tony Lombardo
Created on: 07/19/2010
Last Modified on: 03/24/2011
FINAL Status

Testing Dashboard

Milestones tracking test plan progress as well as testing project process.
















Summary of testing project goals and success criteria.
This test plan reviews:

  • Existing project information.
  • Business Requirements and critical components to be tested.
  • Testing types and strategies to be implemented.
  • A proposed testing schedule and deliverables.
Test Items

Items that are not a part of the test plan but may be used as input to the test plan.

In Scope (Test Cycle 1)

Business Process Testing (Functional) the following.

  1. Charts
  2. Organizations
  3. Account Attribute setup values
  4. Account setup
  5. Sub-Accounts
  6. Object Codes
  7. Sub-Object Codes
  8. Account Delegate
Out of Scope (Test Cycle 1; in scope for future Test Cycles)
  1. Cornell COA parameters
  2. Customizations
    1. Sub-Fund Program: coding (KITI-327 deployed to Beta completed as of 11/2/10)
    2. Government Appropriation Number Extended Attribute (KITI-692 deployed to Beta completed as of 10/28/10)
    3. SUNY Object Code Extended Attribute (KITI-691 deployed to Beta complete as of 10/28/10)
    4. Add routing to COA Maintenance docs- Changes to several COA Maintenance doc routing (KITI-726 deployed to Beta as of 10/29/10 coding completed)
  3. Workflow
Out of Scope But Critical to Project Success

Chart of Accounts testing depends on the Data Conversion Process.


Describe the overall approach to testing. Specify the approach that will ensure the features in scope will be adequately tested.

  • Test Planning & Preparation - Develop test plan and test schedule and work with BAs, BPOs, SMEs, and technical resources to identify and build the items required for test execution.
  • Test Execution - Conduct the testing utilizing the deliverables from the test preparation stage.
  • Test Reporting & Validation - Metrics and measures that will be reported with regard to the testing in progress or that has been conducted that documents errors and compares actual results to the documented expected results.
  • Test Management & Control - Meetings, Communications, Reviews, Issue & Defect Management

The test plan approach plan incorporates the following guiding principles:

  • Early up-front planning facilitates starting tests on time and staying on schedule.
  • Test the most important and highest risk features first. The testing effort should be sequenced based on identified risk priorities.
  • Test as early as possible. It is less costly to fix errors earlier in the systems development life cycle than later.
  • Test script development must be based on business requirements and functional specifications.
  • Ensure that gaps and overlaps in testing are minimized by clearly defining the objectives of each test stage.
  • Develop well-documented, repeatable test models to facilitate defect analysis during the implementation and establish best practices for a sustainable plan for future work.
  • Determine validation and verification techniques for each test stage to facilitate quick detection of problems.
  • Test with appropriate subject matter expert (SME) and end-user involvement. They have the business expertise to confirm that the application meets business requirements.
  • Testing will begin with a smaller number of project testers to allow for increasing of skills and understanding of the system functionality and processes. As the testing phases progress, the number of testers may increase.
Items Pass/Fail Criteria

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Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

In the event that system testing is suspended, resumption criteria will be specified and testing will not re-commence until the software meets these criteria. Specific testing activities that must be repeated when testing is resumed will also be identified.

Test Deliverables

Identify the test documents associated with this plan.

Environmental Needs

Specify both the necessary and desired properties of the test environment, identify any other testing needs.

The environments that will be utilized for testing are identified below, along with identifying the test phase usage.




Test Phase Utilization



Main Testing environment: Internal testing of application, modifications, reporting, and integration and/or interfaces with other systems.

KFS QA Module & System Integration Tests

Configuration Management

Configuration Management will implement existing change control and system refresh processes that are already in place. The system used for performance testing must be at the latest levels with all patches and fixes in place, changes must also be frozen during testing. Any system changes can only be made with prior approval and in accordance with change control processes.


System monitoring is not needed for this test plan.

Team Member and Stakeholder Assignments

Identify the individuals or groups responsible for managing, designing, preparing, executing, witnessing, checking, resolving and signing off on related test plan items.
The following resources will be completely or partially dedicated to the testing effort. The roles each will play in the testing phase.

Table 1: Assignments and Roles


High-level Testing Assignments

Assigned Deliverable

Andy Slusar

KFS Product Owner and Team Lead


Susan Wakshlag

KFS Testing Coordinator


Mel Radcliffe Jr.

Environment Lead/CM



Testing SME


Shelli Cross

Automation SME


Mark Wheeler

Technical Implementation Analyist (TIA)


Shelley Ruth

Business Analyst


Barb Sutton

Functional Lead


Dave Hegelein

Module Lead



Project Manager


Tony Lombardo

QA Lead


1. Test Plan and/or Test Specification document - (Test Group)
2. Test Phase time period listed in KFS project schedule -(KFS Proj Mgr)
3. Overall Test Environment Specs (# of servers, DB, etc). - (KFS team/IS-CM)
4. Test tool selection
5. Test case repository selection
6. Requirements selection

Staffing and Training Needs

Reference Team Member and Stakeholder assignments above. Both automation and manual testers may need training on the systems or applications being tested. Training may included reviewing the test plan and testing tasks for manual testers. Campus testers executing manual test cases will attend a testers workshop to provide them with information on the testing process to follow for KFS testing.

Testing Tasks and Proposed Schedule

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Test Plan


Start Date

Est. Comp Date

Actual Comp. Date

Test Plan Initiation




Test Plan Completed




Test Plan Approved




Test Project
CoA Module Testing Schedule

Gantt chart

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Phase, Start, End, Percent
Complete, Owner
CoA - Initiation, 07/23/2010, 07/23/2010, 100%, Dave Hegelein
CoA - Planning, 07/26/2010, 07/30/2010, 100%, Dave Hegelein
CoA - Discovery, 08/12/2010, 09/09/2010, 100%, Dave Hegelein
CoA - Development, 09/09/2010, 09/24/2010, 100%, Dave Hegelein
CoA - Execution, 11/22/2010, 12/03/2010, 100%, Dave Hegelein
CoA - Analysis, 12/06/2010, 12/06/2010, 100%, Dave Hegelein
CoA - Closing, 12/06/2010, 12/06/2010, 100%, Dave Hegelein

Risks and Contingencies

Identify risks and assumptions for testing items in scope. Assign risk priority numbers to individual tests or test sets. Provide contingency plans for mitigation.

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No link could be created for 'KFS CoA Test Discovery Document'.


From: David Hegelein
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 10:09 AM
To: Anthony J. Lombardo
Subject: Test cycle 1


Test cycle 1 is A OK.


David Hegelein
University Chart Manager
Cornell University
Kuali Implementation Project
East Hill Office Building
395 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

607-255-8971 Kuali Phone
607-255-0862 DFA Phone
607-255-0327 Fax

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