Spring Semester 2010-2011

For Spring Semester 2010-2011, the Behavioral, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience (BCS) Journal Club will meet on Tuesdays from 11:45 to 1:00 pm in Uris Hall 205

Papers and notes from previous semesters can be found in the BCS meeting archive.

The overarching theme this semester is Cell assemblies, functional connectivity, and feedback.  Please interpret it broadly. It is intended to include such diverse topics as: cortical microcircuits, the dynamic reconfiguration of neural circuitry, decision making by such circuitry, the interactions between complex circuits and neuromodulatory nuclei (e.g., the basis for specificity in neuromodulatory effects), and the relationship between specific neuromodulators and nominal functions such as "attention" or "arousal".  

To add yourself to the BCS-L mailing list, send a plain-text email to bcs-L-request@cornell.edu with the body of the message saying simply join.  The subject line doesn't matter.  Sending the message leave instead will unsubscribe you from the list.  See Cornell's Lyris HowTo page for further details. 

You can enroll in the BCS Journal Club for graduate or undergraduate credit  (2 CR, S/U) as a Topics in Biopsychology seminar:  PSYCH 6271-102.  The course requires that you present at least once during the semester and participate actively overall.

Please contact Thomas Cleland or David Smith with any questions.

25 January 2011:  Organizational Meeting
1 February 2011:  Patrick Gill
8 February 2011:  Dave Bulkin
15 February 2011:  TBD
22 February 2011:  TBD
1 March 2011:  Guoshi Li

      This is a tough one folks, so be extra sure to read it ahead of time. 

 Followup papers and URL of potential interest:

8 March 2011:  Licurgo de Almeida
15 March 2011:  Matt Lewis
22 March 2011:   SPRING BREAK -- NO MEETING
29 March 2011:  Laura Darnieder
5 April 2011:  Michelle Tong
12 April 2011:  Tanya Nauvel
19 April 2011:  Anuttama Sheela Mohan
26 April 2011:  Adam Miller

An interesting exploration of the functional connectivity between two memory systems.

3 May 2011:  Al Molnar