Spring Semester 2009-2010

For Spring semester 2009-2010, the Behavioral, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience (BCS) Journal Club will meet on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:15 pm in Uris Hall 205

The overarching theme this semester is Oscillations.  Adhering to this theme is not required, but recommended.  Please interpret it broadly. Theories of gamma, beta, and theta oscillations in the nervous system are the centroid of intent, but alpha, sleep, circadian, etc. rhythms are also spot-on as are reasonably accessible dynamical systems topics from math and engineering. 

To add yourself to the BCS-L mailing list, send a plain-text email to bcs-L-request@cornell.edu with the body of the message saying simply join.  The subject line doesn't matter.  Sending the message leave instead will unsubscribe you from the list.  See Cornell's Lyris HowTo page for further details. 

Please contact Thomas Cleland with any questions (David Smith is on walkabout this semester).  BCS meeting archive.

26 January 2010:  Organizational Meeting
2 February 2010:  TBD

9 February 2010:  TBD

16 February 2010:  TBD

23 February 2010:  TBD

2 March 2010:  TBD

9 March 2010:  TBD

16 March 2010:  TBD

23 March 2010:  SPRING BREAK
30 March 2010:  TBD

6 April 2010:  TBD

13 April 2010:  TBD

20 April 2010:  TBD

27 April 2010:  TBD

4 May 2010:  TBD